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Contact Support

If you believe that you were subjected to illegal discrimination, you may file a formal complaint. If you do not wish to file a formal complaint, you may use this form to document the incident(s) or conduct you believe to be discrimination. We hope that you will join the Mesquite NAACP as a member as we follow up on your case.

Are you a member of NAACP
Do you currently have an Attorney?
Please select the type of organization you are filing a complaint about an incident against? (check all that apply) *

Please answer the following questions in the box below and provide detailed information regarding the incident.


  1. By whom were you discriminated? (If you have it, please provide name, contact info, description of all people involved) 

  2. If yes, and you have information please provide name and contact info for all witnesses.

  3. Where did the incident(s) take place? (please provide address and dates if multiple incidents)

  4. What was the effect or impact of the discrimination against you? 

  5. To date, what actions have you taken to resolve this issue? 

  6. Have you contacted any other organization to file a complaint or follow up? *

I affirm that the statements that I have made in this form are accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby request the assistance of Unit #6328 of the NAACP in seeking a remedy to the situation described by me. I hereby authorize the officers of Unit #6328 to have access to information and documents which are relevant to my claim of discrimination described.
I understand that once a referral has been made to a volunteer, community agency or private attorney, Unit #6328 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for handling this matter. I further understand that by submitting this document I am agreeing to hold Unit #6328 of the NAACP harmless for any and all damages arising as a result of my case being mishandled, negligently or improperly handled in any way.
Section 704(a) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended), Section 4 (d) of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (as amended), and various other civil rights laws make it an unlawful employment practice for an employer, employment agency or labor organization to discriminate against employees, applicants for employment, members or applicants for membership, because the employees, member or applicant has opposed an unlawful employment practice, made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing.
Completing this form does NOT constitute filing an official complaint with a legal authority. At this time, unit #6328 of the NAACP is seeking information to assist you concerning this complaint. Please contact us at for more information.

Thanks for submitting!

©2024 by MESQUITE TRI-EAST NAACP. Proudly created by
Honey Brown & Honey Brown Designs

PO BOX 852895 Mesquite Tx 75185---Phone) 214-301-5484
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